Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A toast to the waffle iron

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner: Of course toast bread in the waffle iron!

Yes, I do have a toaster oven, which is useful for cooking small meals. But, of course with the success of my cinnamon rolls, I wanted to try something else easy.

Since I often eat buttered toast at night for a snack, just thinking of delicious creamy butter filling the waffle holes convinced me to plug in my waffle iron again.

This experiment was quite simple because the bread wasn't doughy and didn't really need to cook. I placed a slice of white bread on the grate and closed the lid. I didn't need to grease the insides because my waffle iron is teflon coated.

In less than a minute I checked on the bread and it was ready! Was this faster than the toaster over? Another experiment to be had, which I immediately tried. At the same time, I plugged in both appliances. The waffle iron started to heat up. I placed a slice of bread in the toaster oven, turned the knob to my desired darkness and closed the lid. The waffle iron was now warmed up again, so I placed a slice on the grate and closed the lid. As the timer ticked away on the toaster oven, I peeked in on my waffle shaped bread, which was done a few seconds before the timer dinged. So, maybe it wasn't faster than the toaster oven, but there is a delicious difference. As I spread the butter on the waffle iron bread,  chunks of creamy goodness oozed into the flavor holes made by the waffle iron. That doesn't happen on regular piece of toast! Sprinkling on cinnamon and sugar made it better.

Another success. I give this one 4 squares out of 4 squares.

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